» Booking

David's programs can last from 10 minutes to 2 hours, based on your needs. A typical program lasts between 45 minutes and an hour. David can present up to 5 hours of material if you're interested in using him for several days or for repeat engagements.

Typically David requires a space of ten feet by ten feet in which to present his program. If this is not feasible, David can be flexible. David also requires an eight foot table, a folding chair, and a sound system with a wireless lapel (not headset) microphone. If such a microphone is not available, David can provide one for a very small additional charge. David requires 45 minutes of set up time and 20 minutes of tear down time. Although high ceilings are preferable, they are not required.

The cost of a program varies based on the length of the program and time of year. A mileage fee of $0.50 a mile round trip and any airfare costs are also applicable. An additional charge to cover the cost of lodging may also apply. For Upward Awards Ceremonies, please see the Upward Sports page.

To receive more information or inquire about booking David, please contact him by:

Phone: 513-658-1120
Email: [email protected]